2 English
Course Description
Teacher in Charge:
In this course students will develop analysis skills of written and visual texts. They will develop expository writing and report writing skills. To pass the course students must sit the NCEA examinations at the end of the year.
Course Overview
Term 1
Students will closely read film.
Term 2
Students will research a topic from the film they studied in Term 1.
Term 3
Students will study for examinations.
Term 4
Students will sit examinations.
Recommended Prior Learning
Students will have developed reading and writing skills in 1 English.
Contributions and Equipment/Stationery
Chrome books are recommended but not a requirement.
Refill paper
In this course students will develop analysis skills of written and visual texts. They will develop expository writing and report writing skills. To pass the course students must sit the NCEA examinations at the end of the year.
Assessment Information
This course comprises three internal achievement standards, two external achievement standards (examination) . There is provision for endorsement and to achieve University Entrance Literacy comprising 5 reading and 5 writing credits.Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
This course is approved for University Entrance.
English 2.1 - Analyse specified aspect(s) of studied written text(s), supported by evidence
English 2.2 - Analyse specified aspect(s) of studied visual or oral text(s), supported by evidence
English 2.4 - Produce a selection of crafted and controlled writing
English 2.8 - Use information literacy skills to form developed conclusion(s)
English 2.10 - Analyse aspects of visual and/or oral text(s) through close viewing and/or listening, supported by evidence