Mangere College Mangere College

9 Physical Education

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr M. Darragh.

Year 9 PE course introduces students the fundementals of movement and aims to challenge and inspire the students to live physically active lives. Physical Education develops the social, emotional, intellectual, and cultural capabilities of ākonga, facilitates a lifelong understanding of our bodies, contributes to our hauora.  Throughout the year, students will participate in a variety of activities including Games, Athletics, Water safety, Fitness and Gymnastics, allowing ākonga to expereince movement in a diverse range of activities. 

Students will be challenged to think tactically and consider new and strategic ways to overcome barriers and outwit opponents, be aware of how to develop the fundamentals of movements in sports, be able to manage themselves and play safely, competitively and fairly. 

Alongside traditional sports such as Touch, Softball, Basketball and Volleyball, students will be introduced to less-familiar activities such as AFL, Lacross and Handball. Students will look at water safety and start to consider culturally diverse sports to widen their understanding and exposure of practical activities. Students will be introduced to key components of Physical Education such as muscular and skeletal features, anatomy and biomechanics and warming-up and cooling-down strategies. 

Learning Areas:

Physical Education & Health


10 Health, 10 Physical Education

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

All year 9 Students must purchase the School PE tee shirt from the stationary shop.