Mangere College Mangere College

L1 Science

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr V. Bloomfield.

Recommended Prior Learning

Open Entry for Y10 students

This is the first year of the NEW NCEA at L1. It offers ākonga a platform for gaining and applying skills across a wide range of potential pathways. Science thinking is logical and creative, subject specific and transferable. Through Science, ākonga will learn skills in critical thinking, communication, collaboration, analysis, research, inquiry, peer review, and systems thinking. 

Course Overview

Term 1
SCI 1.1 - Demonstrate understanding of a science-informed response to a local issue (5 Credits)

SCI 1.2 - Demonstrate understanding of the use of a range of scientific investigative approaches in a context (5 Credits)

Term 2
SCI 1.3 - Describe features of science that have contributed to the development of a science idea in a local context (5 Credits)

Term 3
SCI 1.4 - Demonstrate understanding of science-related claims in communicated information ( 5 Credits)

Term 4
Revision for NCEA External Exam

Learning Areas:



L2 Biology, L2 Chemistry, L2 Physics, L3 Biology, L3 Chemistry, L3 Physics

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

There is NO cost for this course.
Students are expected to have basic stationery:
- Workbook
- Pens and pencils
- Ruler
- Scientific calculator