Florist Kaihoko Putiputi

Florists sell plants and fresh flowers and use them to design and create floral arrangements.

Florists may do some or all of the following:

  • design and create fresh flower arrangements
  • buy flowers, plants and decorations from sales representatives
  • keep plants and flowers fresh and healthy
  • help people choose plants and flower arrangements
  • arrange delivery of flowers
  • keep records and accounts
  • attend markets and auctions and bid for flowers.

Physical Requirements

Florists need to:

  • be reasonably fit
  • have good hand-eye co-ordination
  • not be allergic to pollen or flowers.

Useful Experience

Useful experience for florists includes:

  • work that involves customer service or handling money
  • window-dressing work
  • work in plant nurseries.

Personal Qualities

Florists need to be:

  • creative and artistic, with a good eye for colour, texture and detail
  • confident and good at communicating
  • adaptable
  • skilled at planning and organising.


Florists need to have knowledge of:

  • flowers and plants
  • trends in floristry
  • how to care for and arrange cut flowers
  • ordering procedures
  • sales and basic business skills
  • occupational health and safety procedures.



  • work regular business hours, but may also start early or work evenings and weekends
  • mainly work in shops and retail outlets
  • may work in cold conditions
  • may have to travel to make deliveries, purchase flowers, or prepare arrangements.

Subject Recommendations

There are no specific secondary education requirements to become a florist. However, business studies, painting, sculpture, photography and printmaking are useful.

Related Courses

Florists can earn around $23-$24 per hour.

Pay for florists varies depending on experience.

  • New florists can expect to earn the minimum wage.
  • Florists with one to three years' experience usually earn up to $24 an hour.
  • Senior florists with three to six years' experience usually earn $25 to $28 an hour.
  • Florists who manage or own a florist business can earn $28 an hour or more.

Source: research, 2020.

Florists may progress to set up their own floristry business, or move into management roles.

Years Of Training

There are no specific requirements to become a florist as you gain skills on the job. 

However, most employers prefer you to complete a qualification such as a New Zealand Certificate in Floristry (Level 2, 3 or 4).
