10 Hard Materials - Wood

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr B. Aubrey.

Come and enjoy the opportunity to work with wood and begin your journey into the world of carpentry and construction. Become a “self-assessor” by using design, measuring and wood working tools and machinery to produce quality wood projects. Your projects include storage containers, jewelry boxes, small items of furniture as well as games, toys and speaker and toolboxes. You can take this subject for all NCEA levels.

In this course

  • You will learn to produce a technological outcome by following a design process and design thinking.
  • You will have the opportunity to use your creativity and building skills to create products that serve a purpose and a need in society. 
  • You will learn to produce projects by following a design process and design thinking. 

    You will design your products using freehand sketching techniques. You will use tools, machinery and equipment to make your personalized project from wood, metal, plastic and other engineering materials.

    These projects will be made in our well-equipped Woodwork workshop, Engineering workshop and our Multi materials workshop.

    This course will prepare you to become designers, tradespersons, builders, electricians, welders, fabricators and architects.

Skills that you will learn.

1. Visual Communication    

Free hand sketching techniques will help you communicate your ideas and concepts about your project.

2. Product Development Skills 

You will learn to design and make products using metal, wood, glass, sheet material and plastic using a range of tools, machinery, equipment and materials.

Some of the projects we will be making can be seen in the following photos.

Beat Box.

Shirt Key Rack Tidy

Desk Letter & Key Tidy

Star Puzzle (with cross halving joints)

Course Overview

Term 1
Curriculum Area: Design and Visual Communication
Topic: Making Music Eg. A Beat Box
Students will learn free hand sketching techniques to produce a concept of a product that you will make. Students may use computer programms such as Sketchup to produce digital sketches as well.
Students will make a catapult using wood & rubber bands techniques.

Health & Safety Requirements for Workshop Technology. Workshop Expectations. Overview of the Year 10 Course.
Students introduced to the Brief, the sketching, the Components, the Costings, the Plans and the Construction, to the Tools, Machinery, Equipment and processes required to make a Beat Box.

Term 2
Curriculum Area: Design and Visual Communication
Topic: Produce a Wall Hanging House Key Tidy.
Students will use free hand sketching techniques to produce a product that you will make.
Students will make a Wall Hanging House Key Tidy. in the shape of an item of clothing. Eg Shirt
Students introduced to the Brief; a Wall House Key Hanger in the shape/form of a eg. Wooden Shirt. Students introduced to the Components, the Costings, the Plans and the Construction of the clothing shaped Wall House Key Hanger.
Students introduced to the Tools, Machinery, Equipment and processes required to make a House Key Hanger.

Term 3
Curriculum Area: Design and Visual Communication
Topic: Produce a Desk Tidy for Vehicle Keys & Mail.
Students will continue to learn free hand sketching techniques to produce a concept of a product that you will make.
Students will make Desk Tidy where Mail and Vehicle Keys may be safely placed.
Students introduced to the Tools, Machinery, Equipment, materials and processes required to make a Desk Tidy.
Also in Term 3. Sketching. Learn the Basics of One & Two Point Perspective Sketching. What is a Horizontal Line or a Vanishing Point?

Term 4
Curriculum Area: Design and Visual Communication
Topic: Home Entertainment. (Star Puzzle)

Our Term 4 project will be a Star Puzzle.
Students will draw upon the three terms of using hand tools, machinery, sketching, measuring, marking, cutting and assembling to make this brain teaser Star Puzzle. All of the cross-halving joints will need to be accurately measured, marked and cut for a snug fit.
Term Four may also include the making of any additional items of student's choice who have been able to complete the required projects.

Recommended Prior Learning

All Year 9 Technology subjects.

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Bring a pen and pencil for writing and sketching.
Always wear covered footwear when doing practical work.


This is a full year, four term, course which can lead into L1, 2 & 3 BCT.
The projects chosen during this year cover a wide range of tools, machinery, equipment, materials and their uses. By the end of the year/course, the student will have gained important experience and knowledge in product design as well as producing a practical project which will help with L1 NZQA Units of work.
I have included as a FYI, a couple of L1 BCITO Unit Standard links in the "Useful links" section further down the page.

Career Pathways

Assessment Information

You will be assessed by a combination of practical and written and/or oral assessments.